5 At Home Activities for Helping Your Preschooler Develop Fine Motor Skills easy at home preschool activities fine motor skills indoor preschool activities

Fine motor skills aren't something that preschoolers develop overnight. In fact, it takes most preschoolers several years to fully develop their fine motor skills. 

Young children develop these skills at different rates. Some children develop these skills faster than others. However, a lot of it ha...

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15 Fun Indoor Preschool Activities You Can Easily Do At Home fine motor skills gross motor indoor preschool activities water play

On days when you are stuck inside, it can be hard to think of indoor preschool activities to keep your child entertained. That’s why we’ve created a list of 15 fun indoor preschool activities just for you and your preschooler. 

All of these indoor preschool activities can be prepared using simple s...

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Can Having a Strong Number Sense Help Your Preschooler Avoid Math Anxiety? math number sense

Have you ever thought about how important having a strong number sense is for your preschooler? You might not realize it, but number sense plays a huge part in a child's success in math.

I want you to think back to your time in elementary school math class. I'm sure there are a handful of you readi...

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Helping Your Preschooler Establish a Love For Reading Without a Struggle reading

Helping your preschooler develop a love for reading is one of the most important gifts you can offer. Fostering a love for reading helps your preschooler deepen his or her imagination and starts the development of early literacy skills.

You might be surprised to find that one of the most beneficial...

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How to Create and Establish an Easy Schedule for Preschool at Home schedule for preschool at home

If you do preschool at home (or are just getting started), one of the first things you need to think about is establishing your schedule for preschool at home. Having a well-established schedule for preschool saves you time, helps with management, makes planning easier, and provides a framework for ...

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What is Visual Discrimination and Why is it Important For Your Preschooler? visual discrimination

Are you familiar with visual discrimination and how it relates to your preschooler? Most likely, if you don’t have a background in teaching, you’ve probably never even heard of the term visual discrimination before. 

However, as you keep reading, I bet you will find that you are more familiar with ...

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