Hey, Preschool Parents!


Get your child

ready for kindergarten 

in just 30 minutes per week!  

Yes, you read that right!

Three 10-minute sessions a week is all it takes!


Hey, Preschool Parents!

Get your child

ready for kindergarten 

in just 30 minutes per week! 


Yes, you read that right!

Three 10-minute sessions each week is all it takes!


Welcome to My Preschooler And Me!


Our mission is to help you get your preschooler prepared for kindergarten while making sure you and your child have FUN together along the way!


Keep scrolling to get started...

Step 1: Determine what your preschooler already knows

Enter your email below to receive your free copy of The Ultimate Kindergarten Readiness Checklist. Start using it today!

Reviewing concepts is EXTREMELY important for preschoolers, BUT we want to ensure we are helping our child learn new skills at the same time. 
Grab a free copy of The Ultimate Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, and fill it out. Use it as a guide to help you determine what skills you should be reviewing and what skills you still need to introduce to your child before kindergarten.

Step 1: Determine what your preschooler already knows

Reviewing concepts is EXTREMELY important for preschoolers, BUT we also want to make sure we are helping our child learn new skills at the same time. 
Grab a free copy of The Ultimate Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, and fill it out. Use it as a guide to help you determine what skills you should be reviewing as well as what skills you still need to introduce to your child before kindergarten.

Enter your email below to receive your free copy of The Ultimate Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, and start using it with your child today!

Step 2: Learn how to meet YOUR child's specific learning needs 

Join the Journey to Kindergarten Membership!


Now that you've determined WHAT your preschooler knows/still needs to know, it's time to start working with your child. This might be a daunting thought but don't worry, we've got you!
The My Preschooler And Me Journey to Kindergarten membership is an affordable, done-for-you program that combines learning resources with specialized training just for parents. 
We recognize that every child has different needs. In the training videos, you will learn exactly how to use each activity to meet YOUR preschooler's personal learning needs. We call that differentiation in the world of teaching.

  • The End Result: Parents of preschoolers who feel confident in their ability to work with their children AND preschoolers who grow leaps and bounds academically in just 30 minutes per week!

Step 2: Learn how to meet YOUR child's specific learning needs 

  Now that you've determined WHAT your preschooler knows/still needs to know from our checklist, it's time to start working with your child. Is this a daunting thought? Don't worry. We've got you!
The My Preschooler And Me Journey to Kindergarten membership is an affordable, done-for-you monthly program that combines learning resources with specialized training just for parents. It's the only program of this kind!
We recognize that every child has different learning needs. In the training videos, you will learn exactly how to use each activity to meet YOUR preschooler's personal learning needs. 
  • The End Result: Parents of preschoolers who feel confident in their ability to work with their child AND preschoolers who grow leaps and bounds academically in just 30 minutes per week!

Check out some Journey to Kindergarten resource examples...

Printable Math Game Example
Enrichment Activity Example
Printable Literacy Game Example
Enrichment Activity Example
Printable Literacy Game Example
Enrichment Activity Example

Additional Resources

Free Checklist

What should your preschooler be learning for kindergarten? Grab a copy of our Ultimate Kindergarten Readiness Checklist.


Visit the Blog

Preschool fun, fun, and more fun! Get our best ideas and tips for preparing your preschooler for kindergarten. 



Learn more about our kindergarten readiness programs that make working with your child at home easy and fun!


Hey there, I'm Maria Lockridge!

I'm a former preschool teacher (turned elementary teacher), and mom of two. When I was a stay-at-home mom, I loved creating learning activities for my kids, and I want to help you do the same!

Believe it or not, it's possible to get your preschooler ready for kindergarten in just 10 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week. I know this because that's exactly what I did with my two kids and many other preschool children that I've worked with over the years.

The secret: Knowing how to teach each activity on your preschooler's specific learning level.

I believe that every parent is capable of teaching their preschooler at home when given the right set of "tools."

Skip the painful learning curve and let's do this together! I'll lead you every step of the way on your...journey to kindergarten!

Happy Teaching! 

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Are you looking for engaging and fun preschool learning activities?

Request a copy of our free program, 7 Days of Preschool, and get started today!

Are you looking for engaging and fun preschool learning activities?

Request a copy of our free program, 7 Days of Preschool, and get started today!